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Improving E-Learning Support and Infrastructure in Different Districts of Jammu and Kashmir
This paper reports a study conducted in 2015 at the different institutions of different of Jammu and Kashmir aimed to obtain a much clearer picture about the use and knowledge of e-learning at the institutions so as to give new idea about development of e-learning (online courses) usage in institutions. Multiple sources of data were collected, including: questionnaires and interviews with academics, students and administration. The information illustrate that e-learning (online courses) in institutions of Jammu and Kashmir is still largely in the “innovators” and “early adopters” stages. There lies a “chasm” ahead inhibiting moving further into the “mainstream” area. The analysis of the information revealed that how much the academics and students know about the e-learning (online courses) and how much they are implementing in their lectures/studies. The focus of the chapter is on how one can strengthen this alignment to be able to bridge the chasm. The study has been successful in eliciting institutions support for changes to the e-learning support system.
E-Learning, Development, Institutions, Students, Jammu and Kashmir.
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