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Evaluation of Object Utilization Through Statistical Model in Software Development Process
Objects needs verification through statistical model in software development process which are important in software industries now a day. Software development process consist of several steps right from analysis to deployment and maintenance, therefore statistical model would certainly analyses object(s) and its various qualities and its relationship during software development process. Earlier, we have designed a TMS where, object(s) being available for various purposes like accessibility, reusability in a development of software product or embedded product, thus statistical model justify the level of accessibility in terms of profitability and quantity of access. So far various statistical models have been implemented to identify and established the relationship but not all statistical model are used to analyses and calculate the parametric standard and determine the reusability factor in software development process model. In fact, this statistical model justified at various level of development and would help in determine cost of accessibility (CoA) and cost of reusability (CoR).
Transaction Management System(TMS), Statistical Model, Software Qualties.
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