Software Upgradation Model Based on Agile Methodology
Agile software development work on twelve principle for software development which implies requirements and solutions evolved through the combined team work of disciplined and interdisciplinary teams. The objective of this paper is to connect agile methodology with Version Control System for more efficient and effective utilization of resources. In this proposed model based on agile methodology, the Version Control System plays a vital role to make work done faster as compared to SCRUM. This paper compares various existing agile methodologies. The efficiency of the proposed model is proved through comparative analysis with existing agile methods and using ANOVA mathematical model. Bitbucket as Version Control System is used as web based hosting service and the proposed model is compared by maintaining similar sprints in SCRUM and VSprint model. VCS and previous SRS documents are the important components of this proposed model which helps in increasing the work speed at different phases of software development which the existing models does not consider.
Agile, Software Requirement Specification, Software Engineering, Version Control System, Scrum, Bit Bucket.
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