Breast Cancer Detection using Image Processing Techniques
Breast Cancer is one of the significant reasons for death among ladies. Many research has been done on the diagnosis and detection of breast cancer using various image processing and classification techniques. Nonetheless, the disease remains as one of the deadliest disease. Having conceive one out of six women in her lifetime. Since the cause of breast cancer stays obscure, prevention becomes impossible. Thus, early detection of tumour in breast is the only way to cure breast cancer. Using CAD (Computer Aided Diagnosis) on mammographic image is the most efficient and easiest way to diagnosis for breast cancer. Accurate discovery can effectively reduce the mortality rate brought about by using mamma cancer. Masses and microcalcifications clusters are an important early symptoms of possible breast cancers. They can help predict breast cancer at it's infant state. The image for this work is being used from the DDSM Database (Digital Database for Screening Mammography) which contains approximately 3000 cases and is being used worldwide for cancer research. This paper quantitatively depicts the analysis methods used for texture features for detection of cancer. These texture featuresare extracted from the ROI of the mammogram to characterize the microcalcifications into harmless, ordinary or threatening. These features are further decreased using Principle Component Analysis(PCA) for better identification of Masses. These features are further compared and passed through Back Propagation algorithm (Neural Network) for better understanding of the cancer pattern in the mammography image.
Breast Cancer, Image Processing Techniques, Neural Network, Algorithm.
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