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The Mediating Role of Attitude on Country of Origin and Consumer Purchase Intention
Purpose – This study aimed to determine the dimensions of the country of origin (COO) along with its impact on consumers’ purchase intention (PI). This study further explored the mediating role of attitude on the relationship between COO and PI. Design/methodology/approach- To achieve this aim, a quantitative study was undertaken with 825 responses collected through a self-administered questionnaire from Delhi- NCR, and Mumbai in India. The constructs were measured using a five-point Likert scale. SEM and regression were performed to analyze the results. Findings- Country-specific image (CSI) and product-specific image (PSI) were the two major dimensions of COO. COO played a considerable role in influencing purchase intention (r .426) but in the presence of attitude, the relationship became insignificant (.377(.000)). Limitations- The present study was limited to the Delhi-NCR and Mumbai in India and had taken only two product categories: - mobile phones and TV. Only one mediating variable (attitude) was included in this study. Originality/value – This study was the first of its kind to examine how much COO as a single purchase indicator account for PI for Indians and to what extent this relationship was mediated by attitude. This study adds to the current body of knowledge in understanding whether the COO of a product will make it more or less appealing to Indian buyers and provides important implications for marketing managers in designing their promotional campaigns and marketing strategies to carter a wider segment of customers.
Country of origin (COO), purchase intention, Attitude
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