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A Study on Purchase preference and Repurchase intention towards E-Commerce platform

1 Assistant Professor at L J University, Ahmedabad, India
2 Associate Professor, B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies, Ahmedabad, Gujurat, India

Purpose- The paper focuses on shift from home-basket to E-basket and customer behaviour related to that, hence the research aims to study the Customer online buying behaviour, the factors affecting Customers’ Purchase preference criteria towards E Commerce platform and the reasons that can lead to Customers’ Repurchase intention towards E Commerce platform. Design/methodology/approach- As the study aims to study the significance between independent and dependent variables with respect to purchase preference and Repurchase intention towards E Commerce platform, the researchers have applied Multiple regression model to test the hypothesis using IBM SPSS-22 software. The researchers have also checked the reliability and normality of the data using the mentioned software. Findings- The study suggests there is significant influence of Coordinated marketing factors, functional benefits, Reference group triangle and trust on Purchase preference towards E Commerce platform and there is significant impact of personal benefits with respect to Repurchase intention with customers having intention to buy related products more compare to same product and higher priced products. Originality/value- Earlier researches have focused on marketing factors and functional benefits, influencing factor separately, whereas this study has taken the combined and coordinated impact of marketing factors, functional benefits and instead of single influencing factor, the study has taken into consideration the reference group triangle along with trust as an independent variable instead of mediating variable which the other studies have considered earlier. Further Research- Research give direction that people having repurchase intention would be willing to buy more of related products, then same products and few people are willing to buy higher priced products, which can further be researched as Cross buying habits of customers on E commerce platform.


E Commerce, Online buying behaviour, Purchase Preference, Repurchase intention
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  • A Study on Purchase preference and Repurchase intention towards E-Commerce platform

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Abhigna Dholakia
Assistant Professor at L J University, Ahmedabad, India
Mehal Pandya
Associate Professor, B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies, Ahmedabad, Gujurat, India


Purpose- The paper focuses on shift from home-basket to E-basket and customer behaviour related to that, hence the research aims to study the Customer online buying behaviour, the factors affecting Customers’ Purchase preference criteria towards E Commerce platform and the reasons that can lead to Customers’ Repurchase intention towards E Commerce platform. Design/methodology/approach- As the study aims to study the significance between independent and dependent variables with respect to purchase preference and Repurchase intention towards E Commerce platform, the researchers have applied Multiple regression model to test the hypothesis using IBM SPSS-22 software. The researchers have also checked the reliability and normality of the data using the mentioned software. Findings- The study suggests there is significant influence of Coordinated marketing factors, functional benefits, Reference group triangle and trust on Purchase preference towards E Commerce platform and there is significant impact of personal benefits with respect to Repurchase intention with customers having intention to buy related products more compare to same product and higher priced products. Originality/value- Earlier researches have focused on marketing factors and functional benefits, influencing factor separately, whereas this study has taken the combined and coordinated impact of marketing factors, functional benefits and instead of single influencing factor, the study has taken into consideration the reference group triangle along with trust as an independent variable instead of mediating variable which the other studies have considered earlier. Further Research- Research give direction that people having repurchase intention would be willing to buy more of related products, then same products and few people are willing to buy higher priced products, which can further be researched as Cross buying habits of customers on E commerce platform.


E Commerce, Online buying behaviour, Purchase Preference, Repurchase intention
