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Examining Social Media Usage, Brand Image and E-WOM (Quantity, Quality and Credibility) as Determinants of Purchase Intention

1 Research Scholar, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be university) Institute of Management and Research New Delhi, India
2 Professor, Jagannath International Management School, Kalkaji New Delhi, India

Social media took over the world in no time and proved to be a game changer for better connectivity, shared information, global integration and consumption. On one hand consumers became more enthusiastic about their social media image, products or services they consumer and perception of influencers towards brand, on another brand managers became more proactive about what their consumers are putting and seeking out in this dynamic world of choices. The traditional factors influencing purchase intention become less relevant and the modern factors like social media, E-wom, global trends become more important to analyse. This study aims at identifying social media usage, brand image and E-WOM (quality, quantity and credibility) as the determinants of purchase intention. The research is causal and descriptive in nature. For data collection, self-administered questionnaire was developed and data collection was via convenient sampling method. To check the reliability and data validity, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis was run using SPSS and AMOS.


Social Media Usage, E-WOM, E-WOM Quantity, E-WOM Quality, E-WOM Credibility, Brand Image, Purchase Intention
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  • Examining Social Media Usage, Brand Image and E-WOM (Quantity, Quality and Credibility) as Determinants of Purchase Intention

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Alisha Kumar
Research Scholar, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be university) Institute of Management and Research New Delhi, India
Navneet Gera
Professor, Jagannath International Management School, Kalkaji New Delhi, India


Social media took over the world in no time and proved to be a game changer for better connectivity, shared information, global integration and consumption. On one hand consumers became more enthusiastic about their social media image, products or services they consumer and perception of influencers towards brand, on another brand managers became more proactive about what their consumers are putting and seeking out in this dynamic world of choices. The traditional factors influencing purchase intention become less relevant and the modern factors like social media, E-wom, global trends become more important to analyse. This study aims at identifying social media usage, brand image and E-WOM (quality, quantity and credibility) as the determinants of purchase intention. The research is causal and descriptive in nature. For data collection, self-administered questionnaire was developed and data collection was via convenient sampling method. To check the reliability and data validity, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis was run using SPSS and AMOS.


Social Media Usage, E-WOM, E-WOM Quantity, E-WOM Quality, E-WOM Credibility, Brand Image, Purchase Intention
