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Analysis of Retail- Investor’s Behavioural Intention to Use Mobile Trading Apps: Using UTAUT 2

1 Research Scholar, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand, India
2 Research Scholar, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand
3 Research Scholar Dept. of Economics and Development Studies at the Central University of Jharkhand, India
4 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand, India
5 Retd. Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand, India

Purpose: In the era of fast internet mobile apps of different kinds are becoming important in daily life as they save time and money. In recent past mobile trading apps have gain importance and usefulness among the retail-investors as they can access their current stock from anywhere at any time giving them hands on advantages over who are not used to these apps. In past there are studies using UTAUT 2 to find out the factors contributing to the development of behavioural intention of an individual adopting different technology, banking apps, education apps, and other apps but we do not find the studies in which behavioural intention of retail-investors using mobile trading apps in context to India. In this research study an attempt is being made to find out the factors which contributes towards the development of behavioural Intention among retail – investors using mobile trading app using UTAUT 2. Apart from this relationship of perceived risk with behavioural intention of retail-investors to use mobile trading apps is also examined.


Mobile Trading apps, UTAUT 2, Retail-Investors, Behavioural Intention.
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  • Analysis of Retail- Investor’s Behavioural Intention to Use Mobile Trading Apps: Using UTAUT 2

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Saurabh Sonkar
Research Scholar, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand, India
Sidhant Kumar
Research Scholar, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand
Atul Anand Jha
Research Scholar Dept. of Economics and Development Studies at the Central University of Jharkhand, India
Pragyan Pushpanjali
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand, India
Ashoke Kumar Sarkar
Retd. Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand, India


Purpose: In the era of fast internet mobile apps of different kinds are becoming important in daily life as they save time and money. In recent past mobile trading apps have gain importance and usefulness among the retail-investors as they can access their current stock from anywhere at any time giving them hands on advantages over who are not used to these apps. In past there are studies using UTAUT 2 to find out the factors contributing to the development of behavioural intention of an individual adopting different technology, banking apps, education apps, and other apps but we do not find the studies in which behavioural intention of retail-investors using mobile trading apps in context to India. In this research study an attempt is being made to find out the factors which contributes towards the development of behavioural Intention among retail – investors using mobile trading app using UTAUT 2. Apart from this relationship of perceived risk with behavioural intention of retail-investors to use mobile trading apps is also examined.


Mobile Trading apps, UTAUT 2, Retail-Investors, Behavioural Intention.
