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Performance of Indian Mustard in Vertical Sub-Surface Flow Constructed Wetlands (VSF-CW) for Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater

1 Department of Applied Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev Engg. College, Ludhiana, India
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engg. College, Ludhiana, India

This study was conducted to check the performance of Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) to remove heavy metals in vertical sub-surface flow constructed wetland. Two pilot models of vertical sub-surface flow constructed wetland were constructed and instead of any macrophyte, indian mustard was grown as a wetland plant on it. Two heavy metals - lead and cadmium were tested in the wetland system by using synthetic water and their influent and effluent concentrations were analyzed on flame type atomic absorption spectrometer. It was observed that the Brassica juncea removes these two metals up to large extent. But these heavy metals have severe effects on the plant. The growth was not normal and the photosynthesis process was also effected as the leaves of the plant turned yellow even in the presence of sunlight. Whereas the leaves of the wetland system fed on deionized water are green and the plant growth is normal.


Wetland, Heavy Metal Removal, Indian Mustard, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
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  • Performance of Indian Mustard in Vertical Sub-Surface Flow Constructed Wetlands (VSF-CW) for Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater

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Amanpreet Kaur Sodhi
Department of Applied Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev Engg. College, Ludhiana, India
Simranjit Singh
Department of Civil Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engg. College, Ludhiana, India


This study was conducted to check the performance of Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) to remove heavy metals in vertical sub-surface flow constructed wetland. Two pilot models of vertical sub-surface flow constructed wetland were constructed and instead of any macrophyte, indian mustard was grown as a wetland plant on it. Two heavy metals - lead and cadmium were tested in the wetland system by using synthetic water and their influent and effluent concentrations were analyzed on flame type atomic absorption spectrometer. It was observed that the Brassica juncea removes these two metals up to large extent. But these heavy metals have severe effects on the plant. The growth was not normal and the photosynthesis process was also effected as the leaves of the plant turned yellow even in the presence of sunlight. Whereas the leaves of the wetland system fed on deionized water are green and the plant growth is normal.


Wetland, Heavy Metal Removal, Indian Mustard, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
