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Fuzzy Logic Techniques for Interpreting and Evaluating Pedagogy of Teacher Behavior and Capability to Transform Knowledge into Practice

1 Department of Computer Science & Applications, Apeejay College of Fine Arts Jalandhar, India
2 Department of Computer Science & Applications, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, India

Current literature and common practices suggest that there is no consistent method available to interpret and evaluate the performance of a teacher. Due to its inherent vagueness and uncertainty, this research work aims to analyze the effectiveness of teacher depending upon various factors influencing quality of teacher using fuzzy logic. The first part studies various factors of professional behavior, interpersonal behavior and personal behavior of the teachers from student’s perspective to impart quality education. In the second part, fuzzy inference mechanism as suggested by Mamdani is designed and developed to decide the possible quality of performance of teacher from student’s point of view. The paper concludes by observing that the proposed fuzzy logic based interpretation of comprehensive quality of performance of teacher is consistent with those judged by the experts in the field and can be used to predict the possible quality of teachers.


Teacher Behavior, Teacher Evaluation, Academic Development, Students Achievement, Fuzzy Logic, Chi-Square.
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  • Fuzzy Logic Techniques for Interpreting and Evaluating Pedagogy of Teacher Behavior and Capability to Transform Knowledge into Practice

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Jagmohan Mago
Department of Computer Science & Applications, Apeejay College of Fine Arts Jalandhar, India
Neeru Mago
Department of Computer Science & Applications, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, India


Current literature and common practices suggest that there is no consistent method available to interpret and evaluate the performance of a teacher. Due to its inherent vagueness and uncertainty, this research work aims to analyze the effectiveness of teacher depending upon various factors influencing quality of teacher using fuzzy logic. The first part studies various factors of professional behavior, interpersonal behavior and personal behavior of the teachers from student’s perspective to impart quality education. In the second part, fuzzy inference mechanism as suggested by Mamdani is designed and developed to decide the possible quality of performance of teacher from student’s point of view. The paper concludes by observing that the proposed fuzzy logic based interpretation of comprehensive quality of performance of teacher is consistent with those judged by the experts in the field and can be used to predict the possible quality of teachers.


Teacher Behavior, Teacher Evaluation, Academic Development, Students Achievement, Fuzzy Logic, Chi-Square.
