Automatic Sentiment Lexicon Construction for Punjabi
Sentiment Analysis has become a revenue generation model. The backbone of any Sentiment Analysis is Sentiment Lexicon. Using the available sentiment lexicon to develop new sentiment lexicon in other language is an interesting area of study and focus of this paper. Available resources like Hindi SentiWordNet, English SentiWordNet and Punjabi WordNet are used to prepare the sentiment lexicon for Punjabi Language with their positive and negative scores and IDs. The prepared dataset includes unique entries to improve the reliability of Lexicon. This prepared dataset recursively collects synonyms to expand the sentiment lexicon. In the experimental result, it is proved that developedPunjabi Sentiment Lexicon helps in improving the sentiment analysis task or opinion mining task.
SentiWordNet, Punjabi Sentiment Lexicon, Punjabi WordNet, Sentiment Analysis, English SentiWordNet, Hindi SentiWordNet, Dictionary.
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