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2018 Vidya Publications. Authors are responsible for any plagiarism issues. Various Daylighting Systems for Energy Conservation:A Review

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, India
2 CSIO, Chandigarh, India

In the highly populated urban areas, there is the obstruction to the daylight by high rise
buildings which minimize the light level in the deeper and inside the lower floors. The usage
of natural energy in commercial and non-commercial building leads in minimizes lighting,
heating and the cooling loads. A novel approach is to introduce the advanced daylighting
systems and strategies. It effectively reduces building’s electricity consumption and improves
the quality of light indoors. Multiple functions served by daylighting systems using various
strategies, e.g. redirecting/deflecting the direct sunlight which helps in illuminating deep dark
spaces and the usage of controlled shading devices results in heat control. The objective of
the innovative daylighting systems (IDS) is to deliver the desired levels of illuminance in
deep-plan and high rise buildings where conventional fenestration fails to illuminates the
target areas. This study reviews the various existing systems and analytical approach used to
design IDS. An overview on the various daylighting systems with division into the main
principle, sketches and brief descriptions of elements helps up to an extent to choose the
appropriate daylighting system for the specific weather conditions and Location.


Innovative Daylighting Systems (IDS), Total Internal Reflection (TIR), Laser Cut Panel (LCP), Mirror Light Pipe (MLP).
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  • 2018 Vidya Publications. Authors are responsible for any plagiarism issues. Various Daylighting Systems for Energy Conservation:A Review

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Dharmbir Singh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, India
Harry Garg
CSIO, Chandigarh, India
Harvinder Singh Dhaliwal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, India
Vinod Karar
CSIO, Chandigarh, India


In the highly populated urban areas, there is the obstruction to the daylight by high rise
buildings which minimize the light level in the deeper and inside the lower floors. The usage
of natural energy in commercial and non-commercial building leads in minimizes lighting,
heating and the cooling loads. A novel approach is to introduce the advanced daylighting
systems and strategies. It effectively reduces building’s electricity consumption and improves
the quality of light indoors. Multiple functions served by daylighting systems using various
strategies, e.g. redirecting/deflecting the direct sunlight which helps in illuminating deep dark
spaces and the usage of controlled shading devices results in heat control. The objective of
the innovative daylighting systems (IDS) is to deliver the desired levels of illuminance in
deep-plan and high rise buildings where conventional fenestration fails to illuminates the
target areas. This study reviews the various existing systems and analytical approach used to
design IDS. An overview on the various daylighting systems with division into the main
principle, sketches and brief descriptions of elements helps up to an extent to choose the
appropriate daylighting system for the specific weather conditions and Location.


Innovative Daylighting Systems (IDS), Total Internal Reflection (TIR), Laser Cut Panel (LCP), Mirror Light Pipe (MLP).
