Importance Performance Analysis and Servqual Model: an Integrated Approach for Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
The paper aims to evaluate the service quality dimensions with reference to the banking sector along with the application of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA Framework) and Improvement Factor (IF). The study is qualitative in nature which follows the non-probability sampling method. In order to collect data, a well defined questionnaire consisting of close ended questions on service quality attributes, namely reliability, assurance, tangible, empathy and responsiveness have been prepared to record importance and performance level from customers. IPA Grid has been formed and Improvement Factor (IF) has also been calculated to look at the level of improvement needed for each attribute. This study brings out the application of SERVQUAL Model, IPA framework and Improvement Factor, which helps in identifying areas for strategic focus to develop future strategies. From the research perspective, this study supports the adaptation of the IPA Framework as an alternative/integrative framework for evaluating customer satisfaction.
Service Quality, IPA Framework, Improvement Factor, Customer Satisfaction.
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