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Investigating Relationship between Brand Image, Brand Credibility and Brand Equity

1 Satyawati College (Day), University of Delhi, Delhi, India

Brand image is the combination of consumers' perceptions and beliefs regarding a brand as it is the belief of consumers which makes a brand trustworthy and likable. The present study analyses the role played by brand image in making brand credibility and the role played by brand image and brand credibility in creating brand equity has been analysed. Further, the role of brand credibility as a mediator between brand image and brand equity has been analyed. This research paper has tested three hypotheses on data collected from 477 responded comprising of all groups. Sample population consists of consumers using package foods and sports goods. Reliability tests on data set have been carried out, A rich literature review has been carried out to trace the development of concepts of Brand image, Brand value and Brand equity and their importance for marketing management. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) show that brand image, brand value and brand equity have positive effects on purchase behavior of consumers.


Brand Image, Brand Credibility, Brand Equity, Consumer Perception, Belief.
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  • Investigating Relationship between Brand Image, Brand Credibility and Brand Equity

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Shveta Kalra
Satyawati College (Day), University of Delhi, Delhi, India


Brand image is the combination of consumers' perceptions and beliefs regarding a brand as it is the belief of consumers which makes a brand trustworthy and likable. The present study analyses the role played by brand image in making brand credibility and the role played by brand image and brand credibility in creating brand equity has been analysed. Further, the role of brand credibility as a mediator between brand image and brand equity has been analyed. This research paper has tested three hypotheses on data collected from 477 responded comprising of all groups. Sample population consists of consumers using package foods and sports goods. Reliability tests on data set have been carried out, A rich literature review has been carried out to trace the development of concepts of Brand image, Brand value and Brand equity and their importance for marketing management. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) show that brand image, brand value and brand equity have positive effects on purchase behavior of consumers.


Brand Image, Brand Credibility, Brand Equity, Consumer Perception, Belief.
