Understanding the Dynamics of Length of Stay of Tourists in India through Interpretive Structure Modeling
The purpose of this research paper is to identify the different factors that affect the length of stay of tourists in India and developing a hierarchical relationship between those factors. The factors are grouped into different classifications which will help policymakers to focus on specially identified groups. Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) is used to develop the hierarchical relationship. MICMAC ( cross-impact matrix multiplication applied for classification) analysis will be conducted to determine the driving as well as dependence power of the factors involved and to classify them into Driving, Dependent, Autonomous and Linkage factors. Different factors involved are identified from literature and then a questionnaire is prepared to verify whether there exists any relationship between variables. The MICMAC analysis finds that Age of tourist, purpose of visit and budget of tourist are among the driving forces which affect of other variables involved in the system. Average daily expenditure and pre planning of visit are dependents and knowledge of destination is autonomous factors. An ISM model is then prepared on the basis of partition level of factors.
This paper has implications for researchers as well as policymakers. Researchers need to carry out the demographic study of tourists so that the tourists could be divided on the basis of age, nationality, education. Similarly, investigation should be carried out to identify the purpose of visit that impacts length of stay. The policymakers must concentrate on strategies on those groups who stay or can be made to stay for longer length of period.
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