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From the Editor's Desk


It is a matter of pride and pleasure that Reason is going to see the light of the day for the seventh consecutive year. Through all these years it has always been the mirror of the academic environment of Kalyani Government Engineering College in true sense. It is the beloved child of the family of the college. There has never been dearth of articles enriched with knowledge and depth. Science and technology have progressed in the last few years by leaps and bounds, and the world experiences newer dimensions in life styles, and, ironically, more and more complicated problems to face.
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Abstract Views: 372

PDF Views: 155

  • From the Editor's Desk

Abstract Views: 372  |  PDF Views: 155



It is a matter of pride and pleasure that Reason is going to see the light of the day for the seventh consecutive year. Through all these years it has always been the mirror of the academic environment of Kalyani Government Engineering College in true sense. It is the beloved child of the family of the college. There has never been dearth of articles enriched with knowledge and depth. Science and technology have progressed in the last few years by leaps and bounds, and the world experiences newer dimensions in life styles, and, ironically, more and more complicated problems to face.