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Wright Brothers History:The Tale of the Airplane

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, India

How many people know the importance of the month of December 2003 in world history? Hundred years ago, in a cold foggy winter in December, two determined and courageous men from America conquered sky for the first time in the history of mankind and opened the era of aviation. But their life story was not a fairly tale at all. This article describes how a pair of self-taught engineers working in a bicycle shop made the world a forever smaller place.
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  • Wright Brothers History:The Tale of the Airplane

Abstract Views: 363  |  PDF Views: 175


Akshoy Ranjan Paul
Department of Mechanical Engineering, India


How many people know the importance of the month of December 2003 in world history? Hundred years ago, in a cold foggy winter in December, two determined and courageous men from America conquered sky for the first time in the history of mankind and opened the era of aviation. But their life story was not a fairly tale at all. This article describes how a pair of self-taught engineers working in a bicycle shop made the world a forever smaller place.