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Multimedia Basic Concepts-MIDI

1 Information Technology, India

The advances in computer technology paved the way to the infrastructure for multimedia applications. With these developments the multimedia concepts have emerged. The word multimedia is made up of the two Latin words "muiti" which means many and "media" which is the subtance through which something is transmitted. In this case multi is the multiple data types such as voice, video, image, animation,text etc. and media is the computer environment used to transmit the information made up of this multiple data types.
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  • Multimedia Basic Concepts-MIDI

Abstract Views: 357  |  PDF Views: 180


Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Information Technology, India


The advances in computer technology paved the way to the infrastructure for multimedia applications. With these developments the multimedia concepts have emerged. The word multimedia is made up of the two Latin words "muiti" which means many and "media" which is the subtance through which something is transmitted. In this case multi is the multiple data types such as voice, video, image, animation,text etc. and media is the computer environment used to transmit the information made up of this multiple data types.