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Numerical Validation of Flow Boiling Analysis in Ansys Fluent with VOF Approach

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College, Jalpaiguri- 735102, India, India

The present paper represents a numerical analysis of "ow boiling with volume of "uid (VOF) approach. The analysis has been carried out with the commercial CFD solver ANSYS Fluent 14.5. The said work is focused to demonstrate the suitability of the existing models in ANSYS Fluent to simulate precisely the boiling phenomenon when the "uid is in motion inside heated pipe. The proposed boiling dynamics is carried out with the available VOF approach inANSYS Fluent. The boiling process is handled with the evaporation and condensation model. The said work is validated with an existing experimental work and the validation shows good agreement. There is some error in this validation. That is because boiling phenomenon is highly turbulent and transient phenomenon. Boiling process deviates from the expected behaviour with little perturbation of heat transfer, surface temperature and "ow !eld etc.Another reason of error is that the boiling phenomenon is a highly localized process. The same type of "ow !eld may not present if authors replicate the same "ow boiling process. Overall, the proposed work shows satisfactory match with the said experimental work. This points out that one can use VOF model with evaporation-condensation boiling phenomenon for further hydro-geometric analyses of "ow boiling.


Flow Boiling, VOF Approach, Evaporation-condensation, Pipe Flow, Boiling.
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Abstract Views: 684

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  • Numerical Validation of Flow Boiling Analysis in Ansys Fluent with VOF Approach

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MD Shahbaz
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College, Jalpaiguri- 735102, India, India
Md Naim Hossain
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College, Jalpaiguri- 735102, India, India
Nripen Mondal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College, Jalpaiguri- 735102, India, India


The present paper represents a numerical analysis of "ow boiling with volume of "uid (VOF) approach. The analysis has been carried out with the commercial CFD solver ANSYS Fluent 14.5. The said work is focused to demonstrate the suitability of the existing models in ANSYS Fluent to simulate precisely the boiling phenomenon when the "uid is in motion inside heated pipe. The proposed boiling dynamics is carried out with the available VOF approach inANSYS Fluent. The boiling process is handled with the evaporation and condensation model. The said work is validated with an existing experimental work and the validation shows good agreement. There is some error in this validation. That is because boiling phenomenon is highly turbulent and transient phenomenon. Boiling process deviates from the expected behaviour with little perturbation of heat transfer, surface temperature and "ow !eld etc.Another reason of error is that the boiling phenomenon is a highly localized process. The same type of "ow !eld may not present if authors replicate the same "ow boiling process. Overall, the proposed work shows satisfactory match with the said experimental work. This points out that one can use VOF model with evaporation-condensation boiling phenomenon for further hydro-geometric analyses of "ow boiling.


Flow Boiling, VOF Approach, Evaporation-condensation, Pipe Flow, Boiling.
