One of the important research priorities for decades has been reliable and cheap energy supply. Different approaches have been developed for economic dispatch (ED) in order to resolve the continuous problem of sustainable energy production at optimized prices. Rapid fuel price increases, fossil fuel supply exhaustion, and environmental challenges have pushed people into the energy mix to integrate Renewable Energy (RE) tools. This paper proposed a method for solving these problems, i.e. traditional ED and RE based ED, with the hybrid backtracking search algorithm (BSA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Thirteen photovoltaic (PV) plates with a solar power generation unit are considered here, with fifteen and forty test systems. Proposed solar powered test systems are used to assess optimum generation cost using the BSA-PSO hybrid algorithm, simple BSA and PSO. Proposed hybrid BSA and PSO algorithm is better than the standard BSA, PSO, sine cosine algorithm, whale algorithms and mine blast algorithm as compared to their simulation performance.
Economic Load Dispatch, Particle Swarm Optimization, Combined Economic Emission Load Dispatch, Backtracking Search Algorithm.
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