To Study the Impact of Developmental Programmes of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Departments on Socio-Economic Development of Nicobari Tribes of Nicobar Group of Islands of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
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The study was carried out during 2015-2016 in Andaman and Nicobar Islands on Nicobari tribes regarding impact of Major Schemes of Agriculture, Animal Husbandary and Fisheries department. The 240 farmers were selected as respondents. The characteristics namely education, contact with extension agencies, mass media exposure, risk orientation and innovativeness exhibited positive and statistically highly significant correlation with the knowledge gain of Nicobari tribal farmers. The profile characteristic scientific orientation and social participation had a positive and significant relationship with knowledge gain of the tribal farmers, whereas, farming experience exhibited negative but significant relationship with knowledge gain. However, age, occupational status, farm size, annual income, family type and tribal leadership shown no effect on the knowledge gain of tribal farmers. The characteristics namely social participation, mass media exposure, economic motivation, risk orientation, scientific orientation and tribal leadership exhibited positive and highly significant correlation with adoption among Nicobari tribal farmers. The character farming experience had negative but highly significant association with adoption. The profile characteristic educational status, contact with extension agencies and innovativeness had a positive and significant relationship with adoption among the tribal farmers. However, age, occupational status, farm size, annual income and family type shown no effect on the dependent variable adoption.
Nicobari Tribal Farmers, Knowledge Gain, Adoption, Tribal Leadership, Risk Orientation Innovativeness.
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- Satishkumar, V. (2009). A study on knowledge and adoption of organic farming practices in paddy cultivation among the tribal farmers of Kanker district, (C.G.). M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, C.G. (INDIA).
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- Waikhom, T. M., Biswarup, S., Prasenjit, P. and Prabhat, P. (2015). Factors influencing women’s empowerment through fisheries activities: A study in Manipur. Indian Res. J. Extn. Edu., 15 (4): 35-40.
- Yomota, J.R.G. and Tan-Cruz, A. (2007). Farmers adoption of organic farming in Magsaysay, Davao Delsur: Factors and practices. 10Borkar, M.M., Chote, G.D. and Lanjewar, A.D. (2000). Characteristics of farmers influencing their knowledge about use of bio-fertilizer of farmers influencing their knowledge about use of bio-fertilizers. Maharastra J. Extn. Edu., 19: 130-131.
- Chandra, K.V.S. and Reddy, D.R. (2002). Effect of the selected profile characteristics of the televiewers by the farmers. M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, M.S. (INDIA).
- Choudhary, R.P., Singh, P. and Mishra, B. (2001). Correlates of adoption of improved rice production technology. Indian J. Extn. Edu., 37(3&4): 200-201.
- Farkade, B.C., Ahire, R.D., Patange, N.R and Ahire, P.S. (1999). Extent of adoption of biological pest control in cotton. J. Soil &Crop, 9 (1): 108-110.
- Gaikwad, J.H. and Khalache, P.G. (2010). A study of agricultural development of Saora Tribes in Bolangir district of Orissa state. Agric. Update, 5 (3&4): 439-442.
- Kumar, G.D.S. and Popat, M.N. (2010). Farmers’ perceptions, knowledge and management of aflatoxins in groundnuts in India. Crop Protec., 29 (12): 1534-1541.
- Maraddl, G. N., Vhirevenkanagoudar, L.V., Angadi, J.G. and Babalad, H.B. (2007). Extent of adoption of selected suitable cultivation practices by sugarcane growers.Karnataka J. Agric. Sci., 20 (3): 560 - 563.
- Mishra, A., Mishra, A. and Jabbar, M.F. (2012). A motivation and innovation profile of tribal goat production system in Pakur district of Jharkhand state. Indian Res. J. Extn. Edu.,12 (1) : 326-329.
- Mooventhan, P., Kadian, K.S., Senthilkumar, R. and Meena, B.S. (2016). Symbolic adoption of dairy farming practices by tribal dairy farmers in Chhattisgarh : An experimental study. Indian Res. J. Extn. Edu., 16 (2): 15-18.
- Naik, Hussain Munir, Srivastava, S.R., Godara, A.K. and Yadav, V.P.S. (2009). Knowledge level about organic farming in Haryana. Indian Res. J. Extn. Edu., 9 (1): 50-53.
- Patel, N.G. and Chauhan, N.M. (2015). Constraints faced and suggestions offered by tribal farmers of Navsari district of South Gujarat in watershed management through No- cost and Low-cost technologies. Internat. J. Mgmt. & Soc. Sci., 3 (8): 166174.
- Ramesh, P. and Santha, G. (2008). Extent of adoption and relationship between the characteristics of organic farmers and their adoption level. Mysore J. Agric. Sci., 42(3) : 526-529.
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- Satishkumar, V. (2009). A study on knowledge and adoption of organic farming practices in paddy cultivation among the tribal farmers of Kanker district, (C.G.). M.Sc. (Ag.) Thesis, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, C.G. (INDIA).
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