Tracking System for Vehicles using GPS, GSM and GPRS
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One of the foremost problems that governments or huge companies have to be compelled to deal with is Vehicle Tracking. This paper describes a practical model for routing and tracking of mobile vehicles in a large area environment using the Global positioning system(GPS) and Global system for mobile communication(GSM). The GPS attached to the vehicle will continuously move along with it and it will subsequently calculate the coordinates of each position it covers. It will also communicate the location with the help of GSM modem, which is installed in both the transmitter and receiver section, when the user requires the position. The main focus of the paper is on explaining the intercommunication of various technologies in a real-time system. The model includes a GPS for gathering the position of the user, GPRS for transferring positions data to the central server and the demonstration of the collection of this data. It further discusses the protocols and approaches that enable the functioning of the system, along with the economic side of the system.
GPS, GSM, GPRS, Vehicle Tracking.
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