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Suggestive Measure Travel time and Congestion under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions

1 Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab., India

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Movement in non-rural areas effects well-being as well as traffic of that area. Greater the congested activity, worse will be the traffic impacts. These traffic impacts can be minimized by movement diminishment, or by moving more passengers from personal to alternate methods of transport with less negative effects for which a comprehensive traffic study needs to be done. In the present study, Phagwara, area of Jalandhar has been taken for such analysis. These studies can be used to control traffic jams on roads due to increment in vehicles. The study can also be used for saving time at intersections. Travel time data is an important parameter of many Intelligent Transportation Systems/Frameworks (ITS) applications. Quantity of vehicles in India has been increasing enormously resulting in blockage and pollution of urban areas during peak periods. If we can control congestion to a certain limit, things like pollution will also get minimized and there will be less accident rate due to less delay to the road users. This all is possible only when we are able to shift more passengers from their personal vehicles to public transport/ vehicles by providing them better comfort and good services. We can also provide latest technologies to the public vehicles so that the passenger gets attracted to these facilities. For achieving the goal, Advanced Public Transportation System/ Frameworks (APTS) plays a great role. ITS applications should be added to the movement circumstances in India so as to reduce the effects caused by traffic congestion. India is a developing country and has low economy rate so this is not possible for any developing country to implement in each and every city. Our main aim is to find out the traveller/ Passenger Car Unit (PCU) for many types of vehicles in non-homogeneous situations. The study shows that the traffic volume increasing enormously with non-homogeneous traffic on the roadway of Six-Laned Two-way traffic. The relation between volume of traffic and speed of vehicles represents third- and fourth-degree curve.


Intelligent Transportation System, Passenger Car Unit, Traffic Volume, value of time, Phagwara, speed.
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  • Suggestive Measure Travel time and Congestion under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions

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Munazil Mushtaq Khanday
Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab., India


Movement in non-rural areas effects well-being as well as traffic of that area. Greater the congested activity, worse will be the traffic impacts. These traffic impacts can be minimized by movement diminishment, or by moving more passengers from personal to alternate methods of transport with less negative effects for which a comprehensive traffic study needs to be done. In the present study, Phagwara, area of Jalandhar has been taken for such analysis. These studies can be used to control traffic jams on roads due to increment in vehicles. The study can also be used for saving time at intersections. Travel time data is an important parameter of many Intelligent Transportation Systems/Frameworks (ITS) applications. Quantity of vehicles in India has been increasing enormously resulting in blockage and pollution of urban areas during peak periods. If we can control congestion to a certain limit, things like pollution will also get minimized and there will be less accident rate due to less delay to the road users. This all is possible only when we are able to shift more passengers from their personal vehicles to public transport/ vehicles by providing them better comfort and good services. We can also provide latest technologies to the public vehicles so that the passenger gets attracted to these facilities. For achieving the goal, Advanced Public Transportation System/ Frameworks (APTS) plays a great role. ITS applications should be added to the movement circumstances in India so as to reduce the effects caused by traffic congestion. India is a developing country and has low economy rate so this is not possible for any developing country to implement in each and every city. Our main aim is to find out the traveller/ Passenger Car Unit (PCU) for many types of vehicles in non-homogeneous situations. The study shows that the traffic volume increasing enormously with non-homogeneous traffic on the roadway of Six-Laned Two-way traffic. The relation between volume of traffic and speed of vehicles represents third- and fourth-degree curve.


Intelligent Transportation System, Passenger Car Unit, Traffic Volume, value of time, Phagwara, speed.
