Computer-Assisted Language Learning in English Teaching
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With the advent of sophisticated technologies the ability to communicate well in English has become starker in the midst of even increasing globalization today. Communication skills are an indispensable component for the success of any professional. In this wake computers have been used for language teaching ever since the 1960's.The study of CALL corresponds to a certain level of technology and certain pedagogical theories. The reasons for using Computer-assisted Language Learning include: (a) experiential learning, (b) motivation, (c) enhance student achievement, (d) authentic materials for study, (e) greater interaction, (f) individualization, (g) independence from a single source of information, and (h) global understanding.
But still in these 40 years of its existence, CALL hasn't got its wide spread in communicative language teaching. The barriers inhibit the practice of Computer-assisted Language Learning can be classified in the following common categories: (a) financial barriers, (b) availability of computer hardware and software, (c) technical and theoretical knowledge, and (d) acceptance of the technology.
This study addresses the communicative language teaching approach as a successful methodology and the common barriers to the use of Computer-assisted Language Learning.

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