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Cognitive Impairment among Elderly:A Descriptive Survey

1 Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Sri Guru Ramdas College of Nursing, S.G.R.D. Medical institute of Sciences and Research, Amrisar, Punjab., India

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Introduction: Aging is an inevitable developmental phenomenon bringing along a number of changes in physical, psychological, hormonal and social conditions. Cognitive impairment is defined as a measureable change in the cognitive function. It is distinct from a learning disability in so far as it may have been acquired later in life as a result of an accident or an illness. So, this study was conducted with aim to assess cognitive impairment among elderly of selected community area, Amritsar, Punjab.

Materials and method: A non- experimental research approach and descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A non- probability convenient sampling technique was used to enrol 60 elderly from community, Sri Guru Ram Das Nagar, Amritsar among those 30 were male and 30 were female. Mini mental status examination (MMSE) tool was used to collect the data and interpret the results. Analysis was done by using descriptive (mean, frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (ANOVA, t-test) was used.

Results: The result showed that 61.7% elderly have no cognitive impairment, 26.7% have mild cognitive impairment and 11.7% have severe cognitive impairment. Among the demographic variables education, marital status and working status were found to be statistically significant at p < 0.05 level.

Conclusion: Cognitive impairment was found more in unmarried than married, illiterate than literate, lower class than upper class and in non working than working. Hence the health care professionals especially community mental health professionals should pay special attention towards early detection and treatment of cognitive impairment among elderly.


Cognitive Impairment, Elderly, Community.
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  • Cognitive Impairment among Elderly:A Descriptive Survey

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Sukhbir Kaur
Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Sri Guru Ramdas College of Nursing, S.G.R.D. Medical institute of Sciences and Research, Amrisar, Punjab., India


Introduction: Aging is an inevitable developmental phenomenon bringing along a number of changes in physical, psychological, hormonal and social conditions. Cognitive impairment is defined as a measureable change in the cognitive function. It is distinct from a learning disability in so far as it may have been acquired later in life as a result of an accident or an illness. So, this study was conducted with aim to assess cognitive impairment among elderly of selected community area, Amritsar, Punjab.

Materials and method: A non- experimental research approach and descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A non- probability convenient sampling technique was used to enrol 60 elderly from community, Sri Guru Ram Das Nagar, Amritsar among those 30 were male and 30 were female. Mini mental status examination (MMSE) tool was used to collect the data and interpret the results. Analysis was done by using descriptive (mean, frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (ANOVA, t-test) was used.

Results: The result showed that 61.7% elderly have no cognitive impairment, 26.7% have mild cognitive impairment and 11.7% have severe cognitive impairment. Among the demographic variables education, marital status and working status were found to be statistically significant at p < 0.05 level.

Conclusion: Cognitive impairment was found more in unmarried than married, illiterate than literate, lower class than upper class and in non working than working. Hence the health care professionals especially community mental health professionals should pay special attention towards early detection and treatment of cognitive impairment among elderly.


Cognitive Impairment, Elderly, Community.
