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Revisiting Strategic Entrepreneurship in Light of Various Models and Theories:A Conceptual Study

1 Department of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, South Campus, India

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Entrepreneurship has been widely used as a tool of economic development by nations. But in present day highly dynamic and competitive business environment, alone entrepreneurship cannot work. It has to be used along with strategic planning to get the most out of the opportunities available. This calls to integrate the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management leading to the creation of a new field called strategic entrepreneurship. This not only helps firms to create wealth, enhance shareholders value, provide it with a sustainable competitive advantage but also leads to the economic development of the nations. Since this field is very new, we need to first develop a conceptual base of the same. In this endeavor we present this study as a tool of understanding what all theories and models of strategic entrepreneurship have been proposed so far and how do the various models differ from each other in terms of their contributing dimensions.


Strategic Entrepreneurship, Models, Theories, Entrepreneurship.
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  • Revisiting Strategic Entrepreneurship in Light of Various Models and Theories:A Conceptual Study

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Sumaira Jan
Department of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, South Campus, India
Natasha Saqib
Department of Management Studies, University of Kashmir, South Campus, India


Entrepreneurship has been widely used as a tool of economic development by nations. But in present day highly dynamic and competitive business environment, alone entrepreneurship cannot work. It has to be used along with strategic planning to get the most out of the opportunities available. This calls to integrate the fields of entrepreneurship and strategic management leading to the creation of a new field called strategic entrepreneurship. This not only helps firms to create wealth, enhance shareholders value, provide it with a sustainable competitive advantage but also leads to the economic development of the nations. Since this field is very new, we need to first develop a conceptual base of the same. In this endeavor we present this study as a tool of understanding what all theories and models of strategic entrepreneurship have been proposed so far and how do the various models differ from each other in terms of their contributing dimensions.


Strategic Entrepreneurship, Models, Theories, Entrepreneurship.
