Exploration of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Aquaeous Extract of Hibiscus rosa sinesis (Malvacae)
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In the realm of our Traditional System of Medicine there are a wide range of drugs which have proved their effectiveness by giving a series of excellent performance in acute and chronic diseases. Although the such drugs in concurrent use of conventional system of medicines requires scientific background regarding its therapeutic activity, safety, toxicity, drug interactions etc. One of such drug is Hibiscus rosa sinesis belonging to the family Malvacae. The whole plant exhibit a great chain of activity like antimicrobial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiimplantation, hair growth accelerator, etc. From the consideration of ethanomedicinal documentations, the aqueous extract of the ischolar_main part of selected plant is considered for anti-inflammatory activity. The investigatory study of anti-inflammatory activity on the aquaeous ischolar_main extract of Hibiscus rosa sinesis was carried out using a dose of 250mg/ kg body weight in carrageenan induced paw edema in swiss albino rats .The aquaeous extract produced statistically significant&dose dependant inhibition of edema induced by carrageenan at the dose when compared to the control groups, injected into sub plantar tissue of left paw of animals up to the concentration of 1% w/v. The aquaeous extract of the ischolar_main (250 mg/kg, orally) gave significant (p<0.01) reduction of rat paw edema at all assessment times.
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