HPTLC Estimation of Qurecetin in Tylophora indica and Tephrosia purpurea
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Tylophora indica (Family- Asclepiadaceae) having anti-asthmatic, antiinflammatory, sedation decreased motor activity and also useful in allergic rhinitis patients. Tylophora indica contains tylophorine, -amyrin, querceitin, and other major alkaloids like tylophorinine, tylophorinidine and dehydrotylophorine. Tephrosia purpurea Linn (Family- Fabeaceae) having anti-hepatotoxic activity, CNS depressant activity and it also show antiallergic activity. The plant Tephrosia purpurea contains rutin, quercetin, rotenoids, rotenone, tephrosin and lupeol. The powdered aerial part of Tylophora indica and Tephrosia purpuria were extracted with 95% ethanol by hot continuous extraction method individually. The prepared extracts were subjected to HPTLC analysis. The marker compounds were estimated by using pre-coated HPTLC aluminium silica gel 60 F254 plates (MERCK) and compared with standard. The methanolic solution of standard quercetin 5 μl (1 mg/ ml), Tephrosia purpuria extract and Tylophora indica extract 8 μl each (10 mg/ ml) were applied as 7mm band width using C AMAG Linomat IV applicator. The Mobile phase is ethyl acetate: formic acid: glacial acetic acid: water (100:11:11:26). The detection was carried out at 366 nm. The amount of quercetin was estimated by the comparing the peak area of standard and the same was present in the extracts. The content of quercetin in extracts was found to be 4.30% w/w and 1.56% w/w for Tylophora indica extract and Tephrosia purpuria extract respectively. This estimation technique is very much useful for the estimation of quercetin present in the various medicinal plants.
Quercetin, HPTLC, Tylophora indica and Tephrosia purpuria.
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