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Therapeutic and Nutritional Values of Narikelodaka (Tender Coconut Water) - A Review

1 National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute (NADRI), Govt. Central Pharmacy Annexe Near Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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Background: Tender coconut water is a wholesome and nutritious drink. It has an important role to play in the fastdeveloping functional foods market particularly nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. The resurgence of interest in the coconut generated due to the awareness of people about the possible hazards from soft drinks and the promotional measures taken by government have contributed to the growth of market for tender coconut water. Value - added products presents an opportunity for intensifying and building on past research and development work. Coconut water is one of the world's most versatile natural product with increasing scientific evidence that support the role of coconut water in health and medicinal application. Medicinally, it has been proven to possess various pharmacological activities like hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, wound healing, anti thrombotic, antioxidant, Hypolipidaemic, Antihypertensive, diuretic, hypoglycemic, renal regenerative actions. Over the past decades, many reports have appeared in mainstream scientific journals describing its nutritional and medicinal properties. Glimpse of the classical Ayurvedic texts gives us an insight into the medicinal properties of coconut that is in tune with the scientific findings of today. This review attempts to reiterate and appraise the therapeutic and nutritional values of coconut water.


Tender Coconut Water, Narikelodaka, Coconut Juice, Ayurveda, Nutrition.
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  • Therapeutic and Nutritional Values of Narikelodaka (Tender Coconut Water) - A Review

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M. N. Shubhashree
National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute (NADRI), Govt. Central Pharmacy Annexe Near Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
G. Venkateshwarlu
National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute (NADRI), Govt. Central Pharmacy Annexe Near Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
S. H. Doddamani
National Ayurveda Dietetics Research Institute (NADRI), Govt. Central Pharmacy Annexe Near Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


Background: Tender coconut water is a wholesome and nutritious drink. It has an important role to play in the fastdeveloping functional foods market particularly nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. The resurgence of interest in the coconut generated due to the awareness of people about the possible hazards from soft drinks and the promotional measures taken by government have contributed to the growth of market for tender coconut water. Value - added products presents an opportunity for intensifying and building on past research and development work. Coconut water is one of the world's most versatile natural product with increasing scientific evidence that support the role of coconut water in health and medicinal application. Medicinally, it has been proven to possess various pharmacological activities like hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, wound healing, anti thrombotic, antioxidant, Hypolipidaemic, Antihypertensive, diuretic, hypoglycemic, renal regenerative actions. Over the past decades, many reports have appeared in mainstream scientific journals describing its nutritional and medicinal properties. Glimpse of the classical Ayurvedic texts gives us an insight into the medicinal properties of coconut that is in tune with the scientific findings of today. This review attempts to reiterate and appraise the therapeutic and nutritional values of coconut water.


Tender Coconut Water, Narikelodaka, Coconut Juice, Ayurveda, Nutrition.
