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Achyranthes aspera- Plant with high Medicinal Important
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Achyranthes aspera is a common plant found throughout India. Before the introduction of modern medicines, disease treatment was entirely managed by herbal remedies. It is estimated that about 80% of the world population residing in the vast rural areas of the developing and under developed countries still depends mainly on medicinal plants. It is quite obvious that the plant is widely used in traditional medicinal system of India and has been reported to possess hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antifungal and also used to check wounds healing and antibacterial properties. Achyranthes aspera is a very important plant for its large number of medicinal properties as well as medicinally important chemicals like ecdysterone, achyranthine, betaine, pentatriaontane, 6-pentatriacontanone, hexatriacontane and tritriacontane. The plant shows many pharmacological activities like, anti-allergic, cardiovascular, nephroprotective, antiparasitic, hypoglyceamic, analgesic and antipyretic. The present article gives an account of updated information on its phytochemical and pharmacological properties. The review reveals that wide numbers of phytochemical constituents have been isolated from the plant which possesses activities like antiperiodic, diuretic, purgative, laxative, antiasthmatic, hepatoprotective, anti-allergic and various other important medicinal properties. For the last few decades or so, extensive research work has been done to prove its biological activities and pharmacology of its extracts.
Achyranthes aspera, phytochemical, pharmacological, biological
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