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Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr in Albino Rats

1 Department of Pharmacology, S.B. College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi-626130, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Department of Biochemistry, S.B. College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi-626130, Tamil Nadu, India

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The objective of this investigation was to ascertain the scientific basis for the use of the ethanolic extract of Coscinium fenestratum for the treatment of wound. Coscinium fenestratum are used traditionally for the treatment of various diseases. The wound healing activity of Coscinium fenestratum was evaluated for its wound healing potential in two types of experimentally induced in wound models in albino rats excision wound model and incision wound model. Povidone iodine ointment (5% w/w) was used as standard wound healing agent for comparison. In the excision wound model treatment with ethanolic extract ointment at 5% and 10%w/w concentration, enhanced significantly the rate of wound contraction. In the incision wound model the ethanolic extract ointment at 5% and 10%w/w concentration, facilitated the healing process as evidenced by increase in tensile strength. The results suggested that Coscinium fenestratum extract ointment applied possessed significant wound healing activity. Ethanol extract of Coscinium fenestratum was examined in the form of 5% w/w extract and 10% w/w extract in the excision wound extracted on the dorsal side of the experimental animals, the 10% w/w extract ointment showed considerable difference in wound models and the result were compatible to that of the standard drug povidone iodine (5% w/w) in terms of wound contracting ability, epithelisation period and tensile strength.


Coscinium fenestratum, Wound Healing.
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  • Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr in Albino Rats

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A. Thangathirupathi
Department of Pharmacology, S.B. College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi-626130, Tamil Nadu, India
Bhuvaneswari Santharam
Department of Biochemistry, S.B. College of Pharmacy, Sivakasi-626130, Tamil Nadu, India


The objective of this investigation was to ascertain the scientific basis for the use of the ethanolic extract of Coscinium fenestratum for the treatment of wound. Coscinium fenestratum are used traditionally for the treatment of various diseases. The wound healing activity of Coscinium fenestratum was evaluated for its wound healing potential in two types of experimentally induced in wound models in albino rats excision wound model and incision wound model. Povidone iodine ointment (5% w/w) was used as standard wound healing agent for comparison. In the excision wound model treatment with ethanolic extract ointment at 5% and 10%w/w concentration, enhanced significantly the rate of wound contraction. In the incision wound model the ethanolic extract ointment at 5% and 10%w/w concentration, facilitated the healing process as evidenced by increase in tensile strength. The results suggested that Coscinium fenestratum extract ointment applied possessed significant wound healing activity. Ethanol extract of Coscinium fenestratum was examined in the form of 5% w/w extract and 10% w/w extract in the excision wound extracted on the dorsal side of the experimental animals, the 10% w/w extract ointment showed considerable difference in wound models and the result were compatible to that of the standard drug povidone iodine (5% w/w) in terms of wound contracting ability, epithelisation period and tensile strength.


Coscinium fenestratum, Wound Healing.
