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Studies of Antipyretic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Odina woodier Leaves Extracts

1 Department of Chemistry, SFR College for women, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Department of Chemistry, SFR College for women, Sivakasi, India
3 Department of Pharmacology, SB College of Pharmacy, Anaikuttam, Sivakasi, India

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Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activities of different extracts of Odina woodier leaves were studied by observing decrease in rectal temperature and reduction in paw edema using albino rats of both sexes. Animals were divided into ten groups, each consisting of six animals. Group 1 served as control and Group 2 received the standard drug. Group 3-10 received various extracts of Odina woodier leaves. Group 3 received ethanol extracts of 200mg/kg and Group 4 received 400mg/kg. Group 5 and Group 6 received ethyl acetate extracts of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg respectively. Similarly Group 7 and Group 8 received chloroform extracts of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg. Group 9 received 200mg/kg and Group 10 received 400mg/kg petroleum ether extracts of Odina woodier leaves. For the determination of antipyretic activity, pyrexia was induced by 20% yeast suspension and for anti-inflammatory activity, inflammation was induced using 1% carageenan suspension. The results showed that all the extracts were found to have both antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activities. Among these four extracts, ethanol extract of 400 mg/kg have shown same antipyretic activity after four hours of drug administration as that of the standard Paracetamol drug which caused the reduction of temperature of 1.03 and 1.02 for the extracts and Paracetamol drug . 400mg/kg of ethyl acetate extract after two hours have shown higher anti-inflammatory activity (40.43%) with a probability < 0.001 than the chosen standard drug diclofenac sodium(39.75%) available as an anti-inflammatory drug in the market.


Antipyretic, Anti-Inflammatory, Carageenan, Pyrexia and Odina Woodier.
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  • Studies of Antipyretic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Odina woodier Leaves Extracts

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G. Valli
Department of Chemistry, SFR College for women, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India
R. Vijayalakshmi
Department of Chemistry, SFR College for women, Sivakasi, India
A. Vasanthi
Department of Chemistry, SFR College for women, Sivakasi, India
A. Thanga Thirupathi
Department of Pharmacology, SB College of Pharmacy, Anaikuttam, Sivakasi, India


Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activities of different extracts of Odina woodier leaves were studied by observing decrease in rectal temperature and reduction in paw edema using albino rats of both sexes. Animals were divided into ten groups, each consisting of six animals. Group 1 served as control and Group 2 received the standard drug. Group 3-10 received various extracts of Odina woodier leaves. Group 3 received ethanol extracts of 200mg/kg and Group 4 received 400mg/kg. Group 5 and Group 6 received ethyl acetate extracts of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg respectively. Similarly Group 7 and Group 8 received chloroform extracts of 200mg/kg and 400mg/kg. Group 9 received 200mg/kg and Group 10 received 400mg/kg petroleum ether extracts of Odina woodier leaves. For the determination of antipyretic activity, pyrexia was induced by 20% yeast suspension and for anti-inflammatory activity, inflammation was induced using 1% carageenan suspension. The results showed that all the extracts were found to have both antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activities. Among these four extracts, ethanol extract of 400 mg/kg have shown same antipyretic activity after four hours of drug administration as that of the standard Paracetamol drug which caused the reduction of temperature of 1.03 and 1.02 for the extracts and Paracetamol drug . 400mg/kg of ethyl acetate extract after two hours have shown higher anti-inflammatory activity (40.43%) with a probability < 0.001 than the chosen standard drug diclofenac sodium(39.75%) available as an anti-inflammatory drug in the market.


Antipyretic, Anti-Inflammatory, Carageenan, Pyrexia and Odina Woodier.
