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Order Prime Graphs of Finite Groups Un and K4

1 Department of Mathematics, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur (Rewari)-122502 Haryana, India

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We represent finite group in the form of graphs. These graphs are called order prime graphs. In this paper we shall study order prime graphs of finite groups Un (multiplicative group of integers modulo n) and K4 (Klein's four group).


Finite Group, Order Prime Graph.
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  • Order Prime Graphs of Finite Groups Un and K4

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Department of Mathematics, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur (Rewari)-122502 Haryana, India


We represent finite group in the form of graphs. These graphs are called order prime graphs. In this paper we shall study order prime graphs of finite groups Un (multiplicative group of integers modulo n) and K4 (Klein's four group).


Finite Group, Order Prime Graph.
