Unsteady Hydromagnetic Flow past a Stretching Surface with Dissipation and Radiation Effects
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This paper deals with an analysis which is performed to investigate the effects of dissipation and radiation over an unsteady MHD flow past a stretching surface. The fluid is assumed to be viscous, incompressible electrically conducting and radiating. The unsteadiness in the flow is caused by the time-dependence of the velocity of the stretching surface. The governing partial differential equations of the flow are transformed into nonlinear ordinary differential equations using Similarity Transformations. Numerical solution of the non-linear differential equations are obtained using efficient shooting technique such as Runge-Kutta Fourth order based shooting method along with Nachtsheim-Swigert Iteration technique for the satisfaction of asymptotic boundary conditions. Numerical computations for velocity and temperature are carried out for different values of the non-dimensional parameters involved in the study such as Unsteadiness parameter (A), Magnetic parameter (M), Prandtl number (Pr), Eckert number (Ec), Radiation parameter (R). The Skin Friction Co-efficient and the Rate of heat transfer at the plate are also calculated numerically.
Unsteady, Stretching Surface, MHD, Viscous Dissipation, Joule’s Dissipation, Radiation.
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