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Evaluation of the Holistic Development of B-School Students: A Structural Equation Model

1 St. Francis Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India

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Management education sector faces greater scrutiny from a wider group of stakeholders than at any time in its history and anagement education has entered a phase of profound transition driven by globalization, technology and social imperatives. Therefore, this paper tries to develop a structural equation model of the academic performance of B-School students based on the parameters of mentoring, lecturing, co-curricular activities, industrial exposure and assessment system.

Research Methods

The study employs an exploratory and causal research design to determine the variables intluencing the academic performance ot B-School students. The instrument to assess the notions of this study is designed based on the five parameters mentioned above.

The study is based on the primary data collected trom B-School students. For the selection of students tor the perception survey, purposetul sampling technique was used. Sample size considered for the survey is 250.


The model developed provides a B-school's management with an effective pedagogical framework and it indicates that the parameter 'Mentoring' influences the parameter 'Lecturing', 'Industrial Exposure' and 'Assessment System'.


The developed model indicates that educators and researchers can predict the success of business students effectively by their performance through the multiple initiatives taken by the Institute for their holistic development. The parameters in the model play a vital role in measuring the results as they are interrelated and have an impact on each other. Policymakers can take a call on the curriculum development and the optimal utilization of resources based on the framework which is generated.


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  • Evaluation of the Holistic Development of B-School Students: A Structural Equation Model

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K. R. Sinimole
St. Francis Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India
Vaibhav Kulkarni
St. Francis Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, India



Management education sector faces greater scrutiny from a wider group of stakeholders than at any time in its history and anagement education has entered a phase of profound transition driven by globalization, technology and social imperatives. Therefore, this paper tries to develop a structural equation model of the academic performance of B-School students based on the parameters of mentoring, lecturing, co-curricular activities, industrial exposure and assessment system.

Research Methods

The study employs an exploratory and causal research design to determine the variables intluencing the academic performance ot B-School students. The instrument to assess the notions of this study is designed based on the five parameters mentioned above.

The study is based on the primary data collected trom B-School students. For the selection of students tor the perception survey, purposetul sampling technique was used. Sample size considered for the survey is 250.


The model developed provides a B-school's management with an effective pedagogical framework and it indicates that the parameter 'Mentoring' influences the parameter 'Lecturing', 'Industrial Exposure' and 'Assessment System'.


The developed model indicates that educators and researchers can predict the success of business students effectively by their performance through the multiple initiatives taken by the Institute for their holistic development. The parameters in the model play a vital role in measuring the results as they are interrelated and have an impact on each other. Policymakers can take a call on the curriculum development and the optimal utilization of resources based on the framework which is generated.


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