Ultrasonic Study of Binary Solution of Cresol Isomers in Cyclohexane
The ultrasonic velocities and densities of binary mixtures ofo-cresol, m-cresol and p-cresol with inert cyclohexane, have been determined experimentally at 303.15 K, 308.15K and 313.15K over entire range of composition using variable path ultrasonic interferometer and double wall pyknometer. These experimental data have been utilized to compute isentropic compressibility, intermolecular free length, molar volume, available volume and free folume as well as their excess values. The excess values, of these parameters have been evaluated and a comparative study of variation in molecular interaction of these isomers with cyclohexane has been explained on the basis of their non-linear variation with concentration and temperature. The interaction in these systems have been explained in terms of the formation of weak hydrogen bond O...H-0 and absence of any strong specific interaction.
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