Estimation of Debye Temperature for Binary Liquid Mixtures using Ultrasonic Techniques
Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements Provide An Important Tool To Study The Liquid State. Such Studies Have Been Used To Understand Intra And Intermolecular Interactions In Pure Liquids, Aqueous Solutions And Binary Mixtures. Detailed Information About The Nature Of Molecular Interactions Can Be Obtained From Various Ultrasonic Parameter Computed. It Has Inspired Many Workers And Extensive Investigations Have Been Carried Out In Both Binary And Ternary Liquid Mixtures Using Various Methods. Acoustic Methods Have Been Applied To Estimate The Effective Debye Temperature (θd) Of Liquid Mixtures (binary). The Theoretical Approach Has Been Completely Modified And A New Approach Has Been Suggested. Binary Liquid Mixtures Have Been Undertaken For Computing The Values Of Effective Debye Temperature Using The Present Approach. There Was A Good Agreement With The Theoretical Values Compared With Standard Findings. The Necessary Experimental Data Needed Have Been Taken From Literature.
Ultrasonic Velocity, Adiabatic Compressibility, Molar Volume, Debye Temperature.
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