Acoustical Studies on Binary Liquid Mixtures of 1, 4-dioxane (Cyclic Ether) with Alkanols at 303.15 K and 3 MHz
The wide use of 1, 4-dioxane (cyclic ether) as a degreasing agent, as a component of paint and varnish removers and as a wetting and dispersion agent in the textile industry. In the present study ultrasonic velocity (u), density (ρ) and viscosity (η) of 1, 4-dioxane with alkanols systems have been measured experimentally at 303.15 K over the frequency 3 M. Hz. using ultrasonic interferometer technique. The measured values of ultrasonic velocity (u), density (ρ) and viscosity (η) have been used to estimate the acoustical parameters namely adiabatic compressibility, (βad) free length (Lƒ), acoustic impedance (Z), relaxation strength (r), molar compressibility or Wada constant (W), Rao's constant (R), Molar Volume (Vm), relaxation time (τ) and internal pressure (pi) with a view to investigate the nature and strength of molecular interactions. The obtained result support the occurrence of molecular association through hydrogen bonding in the binary liquid mixtures.
Density, viscosity, ultrasonic velocity, acoustic impedance, rao's constant, wada constant, cyclic ether, Intermolecular free length, molar volume, internal pressure, relaxation time.
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