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Cognitive Influence on Consumer’s Preference in Selecting the Organized and Unorganized Apparel Retail Stores

1 Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 202 002 (UP), India
2 School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara - Punjab, India

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The cognitive influence has a well-defined role in consumer's preference towards selection of retail format. But its role in the selection of the apparel retail stores has been ambiguously demarcated. This research attempts to fill this gap by investigating the effect of various stores atmospheric and merchandise cues on consumer's preference towards the selection of apparel retail format choice. Data are collected from 180 shoppers who visited and made at least one purchase from the retail stores. The study has revealed the role of 31 variables factorized into six factors, recreation, rendition, rapport, rate, range and recurrence constituting 'Six R model' of factors affecting apparel retailing. The fun and enjoyment during shopping are preferred over the quality of product while the prices and discount offered are not the preferable choices for modern shoppers to select the retail store.


Apparel Retailing, Cognitive Influence, India, Organized Retail Store, Retail Format, Unorganized Retail Store.
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  • Cognitive Influence on Consumer’s Preference in Selecting the Organized and Unorganized Apparel Retail Stores

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Khalid Mohammad Azam
Department of Business Administration, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 202 002 (UP), India
Vishwas Gupta
School of Business, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara - Punjab, India


The cognitive influence has a well-defined role in consumer's preference towards selection of retail format. But its role in the selection of the apparel retail stores has been ambiguously demarcated. This research attempts to fill this gap by investigating the effect of various stores atmospheric and merchandise cues on consumer's preference towards the selection of apparel retail format choice. Data are collected from 180 shoppers who visited and made at least one purchase from the retail stores. The study has revealed the role of 31 variables factorized into six factors, recreation, rendition, rapport, rate, range and recurrence constituting 'Six R model' of factors affecting apparel retailing. The fun and enjoyment during shopping are preferred over the quality of product while the prices and discount offered are not the preferable choices for modern shoppers to select the retail store.


Apparel Retailing, Cognitive Influence, India, Organized Retail Store, Retail Format, Unorganized Retail Store.
