Relationship Between Delay in Housing Projects and its Impact on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in Delhi-NCR
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The purpose of the study is to analyse the relationship between the factors that affect delay of housing projects and customer satisfaction. To accomplish the objective, a two-way approach is used. A separate set of structured questionnaires were used to measure the cause of delay in housing projects by using 26 attributes and 15 attributes were used to measure customer satisfaction. The data was collected from various sites in Delhi-NCR. Analysis of data was done using the Relative Importance Index and factor analysis. Eight factors with 81.2% of variance resulted from factor analysis which causes the delay of the housing projects and 4 factors resulted from customer satisfaction and explained 67.94% variance. It was found that delay, price & quality plays a significant impact on customer satisfaction whereas improper planning, poor site management, poor contract management, lack of knowledge, quality, lack of communication, lack of commitment & substandard survey are the factors that delay housing projects. The findings clearly states that delay of housing projects has direct relationship with customer satisfaction.
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