Role of Customer Satisfaction in Brand Loyalty and Brand Switching: Evidence from Banking Sector in Delhi-NCR
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The Banking sector in India a very complex and has very deep penetration in the entire country. Over the years due to shift in consumer preferences Indian banking system has strived to improve performance and to render confidence and high customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction has got many dimensions and varies from person to person in the context of the banking sector. The paper aims at evaluating the role played by customer satisfaction in brand loyalty and brand switching in the Delhi-NCR region for the banking sector based on the aspects, such as, price, branding, service delivery, prompt response and safety transaction. A thorough and comprehendible questionnaire was made, and the data was collected by conducting a survey in order to bring out the essential information from the customers. The sample size of the survey has been 250 people who have been the customers of various banks. The paper is highly relevant in today’s scenario as it talks about and aims at assessing the role of customer satisfaction in brand loyalty and brand switching in Delhi NCR. The study involves two variables - Brand Loyalty and Brand Switching. There is a positive relationship between brand loyalty and customer satisfaction and there is a negative relationship between brand switching and customer satisfaction.
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