Effects of Rhizobacteria Strains in Prolonging Vase Life of Gladiolus cv. AMERICAN BEAUTY
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Gladiolus is one of the popular cut flowers that demonstrates postharvest problems which cause shorter vase life and loss of quality. The present study was undertaken to compare the efficiency of different rhizobactera strains application on vase life of gladiolus. A significant improvement was observed in all the parameters related to vase life with the application of Azotobacter, Azospirillium, Bacillus and Pseudomonas strains as biofertilizers. Maximum vase life 18.22 days was observed under T7 (Pseudomonas sp. CPS20), which was at par with T6 (Pseudomonas sp. CPS63) i.e. 18.17 days. The maximum spike weight (73.67 g) was noticed under T1 (Azotobacter chroococcum Mac27) and highest transpirational loss was recorded on 8th day of vase life (27.33 g) whereas, minimum under control on 2nd day of vase life (9.67 g). Wilting of floret was delayed by 4.56 days under Pseudomonas sp. CPS20. Among all the vase solutions of biofertilizers, Pseudomonas sp. CPS20 was found to be the most effective, followed by Pseudomonas sp. CPS63 for improving vase life of cut spikes of gladiolus.
Gladiolus, Biofertilizer, Rhizobacteria, Vase Life, Spike, Floret.
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