Heterobeltiosis, Inbreeding Depression, Heritability and Genetic Advance Study in Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench]
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Field experiment was carried out to assess the genetic potential of okra genotypes through breeding and selection in 6 genotypes of four crosses (Arka Abhay × GAO-5, GJO-3 × VRO-6, Phule Utkarsha × GAO-5 and P-8 × VRO-6). Narrow sense heritability and genetic advance varied across crosses and traits. For fruit yield, narrow sense heritability were moderate and genetic advance were moderate and high, respectively for crosses viz., Arka Abhay × GAO-5 and Phule Utkarsha × GAO-5 while both were moderate for crosses viz., GJO-3 × VRO-6 and P-8 × VRO-6; appeared to be better indicator for selection. Among the crosses, Phule Utkarsha × GAO-5 exhibited significant relative heterosis as well as heterobeltiosis for fruit yield and its contributing traits.
Heterobeltiosis, Heritability, Inbreeding Depression.
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