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Feasibility of Reinforced Concrete Monolothic Beam Column Joints in Different Seismic Zones

1 Senior Engineer, 53rd Design & Drafting, Street No. 4, Basti Ram Ji ki Bari, Bohrwadi, Udaipur - 313 001, Rajasthan, India

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The present paper emphasizes the design of R.C. monolithic beam-column joints for strength criteria and to find out feasibility of the structure designed for Zone 2 and Zone 5 as per IS1893(Part1):2002, incorporating ductility provisions of IS13920:1993. For this research a moment resisting RCC frame is modeled and analyzed for above mentioned seismic zones. After analyzing, resultant frames are then designed as per IS 456. An Internal Beam Column Joint form first, third, and top floor is selected and designed manually for nominal shear strength so as to compare it with shear developed in the same joints provided by the software. The software of choice for this paper is ETABS.


Beam Column Joints, ETABS, Frame Structure, Joint Shear, Moment Resisting Frame, R.C.C. Design.

Manuscript Received : April 28, 2021; Revised : August 12, 2021; Accepted : August 18, 2021. Date of Publication : November 5, 2021.

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  • Feasibility of Reinforced Concrete Monolothic Beam Column Joints in Different Seismic Zones

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Aqeel Ali Shams Wagla Wala
Senior Engineer, 53rd Design & Drafting, Street No. 4, Basti Ram Ji ki Bari, Bohrwadi, Udaipur - 313 001, Rajasthan, India


The present paper emphasizes the design of R.C. monolithic beam-column joints for strength criteria and to find out feasibility of the structure designed for Zone 2 and Zone 5 as per IS1893(Part1):2002, incorporating ductility provisions of IS13920:1993. For this research a moment resisting RCC frame is modeled and analyzed for above mentioned seismic zones. After analyzing, resultant frames are then designed as per IS 456. An Internal Beam Column Joint form first, third, and top floor is selected and designed manually for nominal shear strength so as to compare it with shear developed in the same joints provided by the software. The software of choice for this paper is ETABS.


Beam Column Joints, ETABS, Frame Structure, Joint Shear, Moment Resisting Frame, R.C.C. Design.

Manuscript Received : April 28, 2021; Revised : August 12, 2021; Accepted : August 18, 2021. Date of Publication : November 5, 2021.
