Role of Macro Structural Elements of Organization Design on Innovation Performance of Indian Start-Ups
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India is in the cusp of becoming a major global innovation hub, and Indian startups have a huge role to play in driving the innovation engine. However, it is necessary that Indian entrepreneurs shun some of the traditional paradigms and adopt paradigms which are more congruent with strategies that encourage innovations. This study attempts to examine the relationship between Macro Structural elements of the Organization Design and Innovation Performance of Start-ups. The frame of reference for this study is 79 Start-Ups which have been in business for less than ten years. The average employee count of all the Start-Ups included in the sample is 57. Ordinal Regression tool has been used to establish the relationship between Organization Design elements and Innovation Performance.
Organization Design, Macro Structural, Start-up, Innovation, Top Management Style, Culture and Practices, Strategic Management, Organization Structure, Effective Management of Innovation.
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