Effect of Demographic Variable on Organizational Role Stress and Job Satisfaction Relationship: A Study on Private Sector Managers
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Stress has become an inevitable part of human life in recent times. It makes life more challenging and charming, however within a limit. In the past two decades, empirical researches on the theme of stress have increased manifold .The study of job satisfaction is important because it can be viewed as an end in itself, since happiness and general well-being are considered the goal of life. The present study was planned to investigate the effect of Age on Organizational stress and job satisfaction among managers of different levels. A sample of 300 managers working in different organizations was selected randomly for the present study. The Organizational Role stress Scale (ORS) developed by Udai Pareek (1993) and Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector (1985) were used to assess the level of Organisational stress and job satisfaction of the sample. The findings of the study reveals higher levels of Organizational stress and less job satisfaction among junior managers of 20-35 years age than their counterparts in the middle level (36-45 years) and the senior level(46-55years).
Organisational Role Stress, Job Satisfaction, Reliability, Correlation Coefficient
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