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Retail Store Service Quality: Insights from Indian Retail
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Services have surpassed other sectors in terms of contributing to the economic growth and enhancing consumers' lifestyle. Retail in particular is touching new horizons by being organised and modernised. Retail structure has undergone tremendous transformation. Retail has found a prominent place in consumers' life by providing them with enriched experiences. However, the inviting retail sector is not left untouched by the powerful environmental forces. As the modern retail opens up possibilities of profit and expansion, it also carries with it the risks associated with management of complex retail operations and the ever-changing customer needs and demands. Researchers and practitioners have identified service quality as a key to gain competitive superiority and sustain effectively in the marketplace. In this background, the present paper seeks to explore the service quality perceptions across demographics in order to understand the differences among the customer segments and thereby uncover crucial service quality parameters for the retailers to empahsize upon.
Retail, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty, Hypermarkets.
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