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A Systematic Review of Ed Tech Education Platform– An Indian Perspective

1 Assistant Professor Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur (Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow), India
2 Associate Professor Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur., India

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Virtual learning has become most desired learning choice open to the educational institutions i.e., schools, colleges and universities due to the fast development of the internet technologies in India. New trends are emerging which affects the field of education such as Artificial intelligence, Virtual education, Game-based curricula, Paperless textbooks, Open education resources (OER), Collaborative learning, learning analytics, flipped learning, Blended learning, Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) etc. One can witness the increase in the number of people choosing the e learning platforms for the purpose of learning on a daily basis. Parents are absolutely ready in terms of investing in these virtual platforms so that their children are benefitted by quality education for the entire life. Hence it becomes imperative to study the varied Indian virtual learning applications which are thriving in the market and catering to the needs of students from schools, higher educational institutions and also those preparing for various competitive examinations. The study is conducted to understand the background knowledge of Ed Tech education system, to find out the key variables playing important role in the acceptance Ed Tech education and to understand the challenges, products and market players offering in Ed Tech education.


EdTech, system quality, information quality, service quality, e learning effectiveness, user satisfaction, school education, competitive examinations, higher education.
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  • A Systematic Review of Ed Tech Education Platform– An Indian Perspective

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Jatin Pande
Assistant Professor Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur (Affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow), India
Anurag Pandey
Associate Professor Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur., India


Virtual learning has become most desired learning choice open to the educational institutions i.e., schools, colleges and universities due to the fast development of the internet technologies in India. New trends are emerging which affects the field of education such as Artificial intelligence, Virtual education, Game-based curricula, Paperless textbooks, Open education resources (OER), Collaborative learning, learning analytics, flipped learning, Blended learning, Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) etc. One can witness the increase in the number of people choosing the e learning platforms for the purpose of learning on a daily basis. Parents are absolutely ready in terms of investing in these virtual platforms so that their children are benefitted by quality education for the entire life. Hence it becomes imperative to study the varied Indian virtual learning applications which are thriving in the market and catering to the needs of students from schools, higher educational institutions and also those preparing for various competitive examinations. The study is conducted to understand the background knowledge of Ed Tech education system, to find out the key variables playing important role in the acceptance Ed Tech education and to understand the challenges, products and market players offering in Ed Tech education.


EdTech, system quality, information quality, service quality, e learning effectiveness, user satisfaction, school education, competitive examinations, higher education.
