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Review of Offshore Outsourcing


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The aim of this paper is to review the earlier studies on offshore outsourcing. Based on the review, the paper put forward the importance of widening the range of earlier studies. Studies are required from service receiver's point of view incorporating their benefits and risks, which are often ignored. The paper also highlighted the scope for further research as offshore outsourcing of services is not limited to a few operational areas. There is a need for empirical studies based on qualitative as well as quantitative measures for a better understanding on the issues related to offshore outsourcing business because of the continuous demand of these services in current global competitive environment. The paper provides synthesis of viewpoints on various dimensions such as reasons behind offshore outsourcing, theoretical justification, and future expectations from the service provider firms


Outsourcing, Offshoring, Profitability, BPO, and KPO
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  • Review of Offshore Outsourcing

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The aim of this paper is to review the earlier studies on offshore outsourcing. Based on the review, the paper put forward the importance of widening the range of earlier studies. Studies are required from service receiver's point of view incorporating their benefits and risks, which are often ignored. The paper also highlighted the scope for further research as offshore outsourcing of services is not limited to a few operational areas. There is a need for empirical studies based on qualitative as well as quantitative measures for a better understanding on the issues related to offshore outsourcing business because of the continuous demand of these services in current global competitive environment. The paper provides synthesis of viewpoints on various dimensions such as reasons behind offshore outsourcing, theoretical justification, and future expectations from the service provider firms


Outsourcing, Offshoring, Profitability, BPO, and KPO
