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Growth and Prospects of E-Retailing in India Ms. Trishna Makwana, Dr. Jitesh Parmar

1 Department of Management, SRIMCA, Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus, India
2 Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application, Uka Tarsadia University, Tarsadi, India

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Despite of economic, political and social situations, Indian retail sector is growing and becoming huge. E-retailing is selling of retail products and services through internet. There are many factors which are responsible for the growth of e-retailing market. This has made e-retailing threat for offline retailers and is affecting its sales globally. It is also a challenge due to negative customer perspective and issues of reverse logistics. E-retailing is considered as an opportunity today but it might become necessity for tomorrow's market. This exploratory research paper attempts to provide a clear picture of the e-retailing in India. It also attempts to describe certain key trends that the e-tailer need to take care of. The main source for data collection is secondary.


E-Retailing Growth and Prospects, E-Retailing Trends, E-Commerce.
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  • Growth and Prospects of E-Retailing in India Ms. Trishna Makwana, Dr. Jitesh Parmar

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Trishna Makwana
Department of Management, SRIMCA, Uka Tarsadia University, Maliba Campus, India
Jitesh Parmar
Shrimad Rajchandra Institute of Management and Computer Application, Uka Tarsadia University, Tarsadi, India


Despite of economic, political and social situations, Indian retail sector is growing and becoming huge. E-retailing is selling of retail products and services through internet. There are many factors which are responsible for the growth of e-retailing market. This has made e-retailing threat for offline retailers and is affecting its sales globally. It is also a challenge due to negative customer perspective and issues of reverse logistics. E-retailing is considered as an opportunity today but it might become necessity for tomorrow's market. This exploratory research paper attempts to provide a clear picture of the e-retailing in India. It also attempts to describe certain key trends that the e-tailer need to take care of. The main source for data collection is secondary.


E-Retailing Growth and Prospects, E-Retailing Trends, E-Commerce.
